• The "Capricorn Stellium" in the 12th house

    Between the years 1981-2003 a particular planetary configuration has formed in the sky - Uranus and Neptune were traveling together through Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. If there's anything one can say about these two is that they symbolize the processes in which we (as individual beings) can shift our consciousness from the personal level to the one related to the collective - humankind.

    When additional planets entered those three zodiac signs, a stellium has formed - a symbol of unique talents, beliefs and ways of being with potentially a wide range of influence. One example of that would be a whole group of people born during the late 1988-1991, having (at least) Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn - the "Millennial Capricorn stellium".

    Every person with such a stellium will have one sphere of life that reflects the uniqueness and quite a life challenge - astrology determines this by looking at the house position of the planetary package. Let us delve on the 12th house and the mysteries of the hidden parts of our being. 

    Uncovering the 12th house

    For many years the 12th house had a bad reputation, there are solid reasons for that. And it still has, but luckily it is changing. If one were to look for the keywords describing this field of experience, one would find: self-defeating patterns, confinement, hidden enemies but also service and thirst for spiritual development. All of them are true; hear this though - there is a deeper side to this astrological house than it seems (after reading all those descriptions, ouch).

    The 12th house (along with the 8th and 4th) represents a process of emotional cleansing. It is about becoming conscious of our old habits, integrating what the past wants us to realize and finally getting rid of the emotional residues that stunted our growth. People born with several planets within those three houses always seek the same - to be at emotional peace. Let us go back to the keywords and think for a moment why the issue of confinement often appears in the lives of people with planets in the 12th house. Is there a better way to go through this cleansing process than to remove the distractions around oneself and go to one's inner world? It is we that are our own hidden enemies, the self-defeating patterns being the buried emotions that are so instinctual we have troubles noticing and controlling them.

    These three "water houses" (as they are commonly referred as) deal heavily with emotions, although they differ when it comes to the mechanism of the cleansing. The journey of clearing the emotions symbolized by the 12th house is filled with questions about the nature of existence and purpose. It requires stillness - the sobriety of the whole self - to even tackle the inner demons. This is a spiritual quest indeed, for the more we submerge within this process, the greater our desire is for being of service.

    The reservoir of the past

    Within the 12th house lies all there is in our subconsciousness - thoughts, feelings, images, you name it. They are hidden, but it would be a mistake to say they are dormant. The hidden stimuli are much alive and demands our attention. What is buried can work to our benefit or detriment. Or both.

    With Capricorn in the 12th house, traits like: long-term commitment, the ability to self- mobilize (discipline) may seem out of our control, or even nonexistent. They are hidden. But then again emotions like fear and especially loneliness is what emerges when we are alone. In most cases our past e.g. childhood trauma could reveal what situations have led us to hide facets of ourselves. What often appears in life stories of these people is discrimination, unreachable goals  ("You're not good enough") or just plain bullying. And there were no authorities to provide support or give any sort of feedback.

    The presence of planets in Capricorn gives more details about the past:
    With Sun, you may have harbored fears of "being yourself", experiencing being ostracized, ridiculed, mocked or ignored. The repressed energy resulted in feelings that you can't make an impact, inheriting poor self-esteem as a result.
    With Moon, you may have harbored fear of showing what you feel and need. The repressed energy resulted in rigidity, later to notice how people drift away from you. You needed to depend on someone but it was not possible. The fear of vulnerability remains.
    With Mercury present, you may have harbored fear of expressing your thoughts. The repressed energy resulted in chronic communication issues, not believing your opinion matters to anyone.
    With Venus present, you may have harbored fear of showing love. The repressed energy resulted in becoming unavailable, juggling between periods of desiring deep merging and total solitude. 
    With Mars present, you may have harbored fear of showing your anger. The repressed energy resulted in random burst of anger e.g. slamming the doors and objects.

    With Neptune and Uranus present in Capricorn, all of the emotions mentioned (particularly loneliness) gain depth - another dimension. The problem is that understanding this dimension can turn out to be a painful journey because people with Uranus-Neptune in the 12th house feel how much the world and its structures don't reflect their inner life.

    Saturn symbolizes structures - codes of conduct, all that was built which we want to rely on. But the 12th house people have been wounded by the unemphatic reactions from other people. Has the society been able to actually hear their cries? Probably not. Did the tradition provide comfort and sense of stability? Probably not.

    The presence of Uranus indicates the need to make a revolution, get off the beaten paths. "The structures/authorities that were" turned out to not offer the stability they were meant to provide. Perhaps the repetitiveness and routine got in the way of staying grounded and connected to the mundane. Or the issues of the 12th house Capricorn stellium are so shocking that the society doesn't know how to respond. The peculiarities are just too much, too unfamiliar so people fear them instead of understanding them (Saturn-Uranus) e.g. various phobias, chronic diseases, existential pains. Such experiences can be the catalyst that motivate the 12th house people to break this chain of fear and as their unique service - offer the understanding that they have not received.

    For example, with Neptune there is a vivid imagination and sensitivity present within - and yet, these 12th house Capricorn stellium folks can be so compassionate in order to change within moments into rebels trashing any form of structure they find oppressing, not giving a damn.

    What is hidden

    Each planet of the 12 house stellium symbolizes the buried urges that works to our benefit or detriment. The goal is to reach within and turn all these yearnings into sources of creativity, spirituality and service for a greater cause. In order to do so, many qualities we may not like e.g. shame have to be acknowledged. Until we do so, we at the mercy of our fickle instincts.

    With Capricorn (and Saturn) hidden, the areas regarding aging, abandonment, rejection, constriction and even career might be a source of anxiety and fear. There is also a nagging feeling that embracing all of it would bring despair, hence there is no choice but to organize and control the inner life. Such behaviour is based on fear and not on inner sense of integrity and authenticity, which the 12th house Capricorn people yearn for. And it is fear that makes the efforts to organize and control become a restriction instead of a foundation.

    The beneficial influence of Capricorn in general involves skills of being able to gauge and accept limitations. We can see the detriment of some of our choices e.g. thoughts in our mind (Mercury in Capricorn), intentions (Mars) or beliefs (Jupiter). With the 12th house involved, such skills may be hidden, thus people with this chart placement feel like they "lack" discipline that could give the necessarily corrections to their choices. This is false. If there is something lacking it is the ability to consciously maintain the state of mindfulness that leaves no space for anything to remain hidden.

    The mutual presence of Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn is felt like having to give up a lot of convenience (especially of the material nature, those giving security) so that one can benefit groups of people, even humankind, in an undetermined way. These "conveniences" could regard the process of healing itself. Not everything will work, a "sacrifice" has to be made e.g. coming to conclusions that some of our unconventional habits, chronic issues will not go away with sheer discipline.

    What needs to be given up could be a certain way of living. Some aspects of our self are hidden and no matter how much we explore this emotional well, there are more questions and less answers. And so the only way to live is to be of service to others. At first, it may seem like a matter of survivor, not a choice. Living with an ego, attachments would mean mental torture. Particularly Uranus in Capricorn manifests as structures "coming and going", even if something has been build e.g. a bond, a job position; as soon as it loses its purpose, it goes down. If this happens, it could be a sign that we have attached our sense of integrity onto the presence of others, their opinion about u, a status and its privileges etc.

    To Uranus in Capricorn, giving the structures a permission to decide about our happiness, sadness, joy and sorrow, is a form of slavery.

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    1. astonishingly brilliant article.

    2. I need to get a reading from you!

    3. This breakdown is just what I needed to understand my stellium. You're right that 12H gets a bad rep. Yet now I've began to unlock that energy. Thank you for your incredibly helpful article.


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