• How's Life with Pluto, on example of the 1st and 7th house

    There's clear origin to Pluto's issues. Recognize it and let the past rest.

    Irresistible Compulsions

    Pluto placement in the chart points towards matters of: power of Transformation and moving our lives forward; incredible depth and intuition; intense (invigorating) experiences; rebirthing.  Sounds exciting. And then there are matters we do not look forward to e.g. losses, pain, abuse, blackmail, coercion...

    The presence of Pluto indicates a necessity of going through a process of letting go and living... peacefully. And a process of living in service of people/a cause. In most cases Pluto people start all these processes from the very bottom (pain, frustration), successively rising above.

    the climb

    When you think about it, every imaginable Pluto issue stems from yearnings or compulsions. Obsessions. "I want more/ I want it that way". When one forcefully sends this sort of message (with little to none empathy), the recipients tend to reject the message. No wonder Pluto people often feel alienated, thinking they are surrounded by enemies (i.e. others resisting compliance). These Pluto folks aggressively (vengefully) follow their compulsions (e.g. to control) and deal with the consequences of their actions (being discarded, pain).

    But what about other Pluto people - those that mind their own business and get betrayed? Those that become victims of abuse and clear ill-intention coming from predators? Probably the abusers will not change their behaviors, so the victims must go within in search of compulsions also present in them. Do one of their instinctive reactions unnecessarily add olive to the flames? Do their compulsive reactions make it so that they are too passive when under pressure? Or do they have convictions (about themselves/the world), which makes them entangled in webs of abuse/hate and remain in places unhealthy for them?

    How to Identify Natal Pluto Issues? 

    Ask yourself if there are strings attached to what you do/who you relate to. Identify if there is a compulsion, or power game that you play with yourself e.g. "If I don't do this, X/Y will happen". Do you feel forced? A positive answer is your Pluto confirmation. If so, you will be dealing with at least one of Pluto's/Scorpio's main themes:

    1. Vengeance "You thought I couldn't do it? We'll see about that."
    2. Power games, which branches out into Domination (Predator/Victim) 
    3. Fail for spite "You though I would waste my life on this cause? I'll show you..."
    4. Resentment and guilt. Especially guilt shaming "If it wasn't for you, I'd would have..."
    5. Sacrifices. Realization not everything can be salvaged. No fairy tales. Some decisions need to be done and executed without looking back. 

    Time for examples!

    The 1st-7th House Axis

    What the 1st and the 7th house have in common is that they deal with relations. The 7th house is literally about committed relationships, while the 1st house is the relation with Self. In the natal chart both houses are directly opposite each other, meaning an emphasis on either one will create ripple effects in its opposite house (field of life) counterpart. 

    Pluto in the 1st House

    This house talks about the identity - and one of the ways we express ourselves is through the physical body.

    you look silly
    With Pluto in the 1st house, the physical look tends to be subject to power
    struggles. People with this planetary placement deal with the pressure to look and behave in a certain way. This may start as early as childhood with parents not liking their wardrobe choice "You cannot wear make-up at that age" "Quit wearing your trousers this way; it makes you look silly". Maybe the parent has been interested in having power over the child. Maybe dressing in a certain way could have been harmful in some areas/times of day. Ultimately it matters not whether such use of control was justified or not. Either no explanation behind the control has been given, or kids were too stubborn to listen. The damage has been done.

    So what message did people with the 1st house Pluto get from outer pressure? "My expression is being controlled" "I need to hide my true identity in order to not get into danger". That is how the pattern of holding resentments and guilt builds up.

    Two Sides of the Coin

    It gets more complicated as life goes on. People with Pluto (Scorpio) in the 1st house start to wear in such a way as to avoid attention/glaring eyes. So e.g. they pick black color clothing, wear peculiar ornaments, hide the shape of their body under layers or cloth. 

    On the other, extreme side of the situation (and there is always one with Pluto), people learned that there is much to gain by using their looks. It is a power position. There are strings attached to how these people go around with their body e.g. revealing clothes are meant to induce a certain reaction from people in the form of attention, compliments, presents. Clothing (or behaving) in a certain way makes others reveal secrets, which boost the sense of having power.

    No matter the exact life scenario, there is something magnetic about the physical appearance of Pluto 1st house people. There is a magnetism that goes beyond the sexual. 

    False Appearances

    The social environment tends to place expectations upon how the 1st house Pluto folks look and behave. But at some point the physical "flaws" and real behavior surfaces. The environment gets to see that the outer was a pose - a layer, made out of carbon box. 

    "Hey, he/she does not look/behave like I thought they would"

    And when these expectations are not met, people go crazy. They lash out at 1st house Pluto (Scorpio) people, talking/scheming behind their back, having a laugh on the expense of their physical look. No wonder 1st Pluto (Scorpio) people they want to avoid socializing. Or carefully control themselves in order to prevent "the big revealing". 

    The intensity of the bad experiences make is so that they spend the majority of their early adulthood on dealing with the personality crisis and healing.

    One more note! 

    It is not like 1st house Pluto/Scorpio are only the innocent victims. They have a history of active engagement in power struggles in order to achieve a certain result. Such Plutonians primarily are not authentic and true ... to THEMSELVES. They can purposefully show (through their physical appearance or personality) different intentions than their true ones. And guess what - no one wants to deal with fake people and hidden agendas. 

    Pluto people themselves do not want to deal with their fake self. All the anger, irresistible compulsions... come from within and are directed at themselves.

    Pluto in the 7th House

    This house talks about all sorts of partnership and relations that we commit to (emotionally). We connect to various parts of our personality through others. We become more of who we are through relations we invest energy into, whether we want it or cannot help it.

    7th house Pluto (Scorpio) people like to get into some unimaginable relationships. They have a knack for partnering with strong-willed (obtrusive) people, those who (due to their influence):

    - literally can and do transform their whole lives. 

    - get under the skin, sink into your mind.

    At early ages this usually shows itself as strong bonds with school peers (usually
    selected individuals) or with their brothers/sisters should they have them. The partnership can expand into different forms of powerful links, such as student-teacher, patient-doctor. The emphasis is on there being this special person of power.

    And then come lessons that partnerships have strings attached to them.

    Two Sides of the Coin

    "I never felt such attraction before". Many personal histories of these 7th house Pluto (Scorpio) people are filled with partners that seemed to listen/care, only to stab at some moment. Those Plutonians may have heard their friends say "I will cover for your absence at work, but in return...". There are also stories of people offering protection/stability through their power and position, but in reality their only interest in exploiting or total control over the Pluto folks. All is well, as long as Plutonians do what they are told.

    Relationships were not a free exchange of affection, but a power game "I won't do that with you because it is forbidden/tabu", "Do this/that and I may consider...".

    And there will be those that will use the power to exploit.

    On the other, extreme side of the situation (and there is always one with Pluto), some quickly discovered how easier is to get "stuff done" when there is a significant other backing them up. Such 7-house Plutonians tend to actively seek connections in order to discover secrets or push certain people to do tasks for them. They can be masters of promises and give a sense of intense bondage. Often in a seductive way, making others feel "I would not be who I am without you (7-house Pluto)". But it can be a masquerade, elaborate plan to make oneself indispensable in order to have power/control. 

    No matter the exact scenario, 7th house Pluto (Scorpio) people tend to lose faith in authenticity of relationships. Small, constant water dropping wears away a stone, until the point these people (out of their volition, or not) think about or live life being a single. Then there is the matter of compulsive thoughts of past lovers/partners, who they cannot quite get out of their heads.

    Relieve Me and Carry My Power for Me, Ok?

    Projection of personal power onto others evolves into a major issue when it is unconscious. 7th house Pluto people feel so much empowerment and transformation originates from relationships that they become very open in said relations. Such Plutonians are very into fairness and want to give others ALL the freedom and space. They can do it to the point it leaves them incapable of forming true bonds, or unable to maintain peace.

    7th house Pluto (Scorpio) people will be the ones saying "Do what you want" to their partners, particularly in intimate scenarios e.g. sex, though not exclusively. They are willing to give (as in sacrifice) a lot in order to be appreciated in those one-on-one situations.

    This group also tends to build a conviction that power always comes through others, while the opposite is true (power is within). Magnetic lovers is how one could describe the 7th house Plutonians. And the freedom they give can be mesmerizing and lead into creating the true, solid bond. But many times it will be the toxic people that recognize this "entrance, openness for others influence" and exploit it. Just like a predator would attack its prey.

    "So Pluto person, you say I can do what I want? Well then, I will fuck you up good [especially when you oppose me]". 


    The 1st or 7th house Pluto people tend to confront the issue of loneliness earlier and in a more "powerful" way than their peers without that particular chart placement. 

    Both house position of Pluto suggest various entanglements that in their highest manifestations can help in creating healthy relations that open the window for reevaluating life. 

    This will not take place (not in its entirety) without a honest desire to commit onto others of Self. Without a thorough check-up of one's emotions, even insignificant emotional garbage will gain strength and sabotage the noblest intentions.

    First Step into Constructive Change

    Recognize the compulsions and play with the idea that past trauma/wounds are behind every Pluto-like experience. Compulsions rarely have logic to them (unless you are into the esoteric facet of Pluto, i.e. past lives).

    For example: loneliness, when having its origin colored by Pluto, is a byproduct of previously experienced jealousy, abusiveness or intense hardships that went too far. The compulsion may be preconceptions that one cannot have a satisfying relation (with self or others) if one is not strong, decisive, capable of showing everyone where they stand in the hierarchy. 

    Take a look at your reactions and identify which one seems to be instinctual. With Pluto 1st/7th house the yearnings/reactions:

    - have the undertones of freedom, (not) being oneself, justice and balance

    - could be connected to one's entitlement to be in a certain position; forcing one's personality or entitlement to one's partner through the fact of being in a relation.

    - revolve around the control of time and intensity of interactions, to the point of having someone in one's pocket. Quite literally I might add i.e. online interactions in one's mobile phone.

    Passing the Torch

    Pluto issues are contagious. It may not always be visible, but it happens. There is a reason why this planet and its energies are about collective forces.  Pluto folks ALWAYS leave marks on the collective. Plutonians really need to ask themselves "What impact do I want to make?"

    In case of 1st/7th house Pluto people, if yearnings are left to themselves, lonely people... can seek out other people to make them lonely as well. Might may not be the intention but it tends to go this way nonetheless. Same goes with vengeance etc.  - it creates even more vengeful people. It's a vicious cycle, a toxic relationships between people who cannot be together but cannot be without each other.

    Empowerment and transformation-spreading capabilities are contagious as well. 1st/7th house Pluto people have an excellent talent of bringing out the best in people. And those deeply inspired people go out there, doing the same for others. A passing of a torch...

    As for the finals words...

    Something beautiful starts when Plutonians realize that hate, manipulation, power games... solve nothing. At that time they can find peace and bring forgiveness, love to where it was not present.

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