• How To Make Peace With Saturn

    How To Make Peace With Saturn

    Use Saturn's help to be satisfied in life before Saturn has no choice but to manifests as delays, limitations and hardships.

    Big Kids

    children destroy
    If you have been around children, you know how curious they are. They want to see, hear, touch and chew everything. It is up to be grown-ups to be the teachers, say "No" and inform about the dangers.

    No matter the age, parts of us remain childish. We are to teach ourselves. 

    Some adults never grow up; they have no vision, no perspective and frankly do not understand much. Here is a question for you: how different are they from "cultured" people that seek good clothes, an awesome car and digits on their bank accounts? If both groups do not ask themselves what they actually need AND follow what various forces/voices tells them to do (buy, consume, be this/that) then... they are no different from each other. 

    Bunch of kids with different set of toys. Kids that cannot handle life the moment small things go awry.
    We, as individuals and society, grow up from being children into being matured children.


    And this child inside loves emotions. A day without emotions is a day wasted. We do not realize how often we create an emotional " buzz" in our life. Some create a beautifully organized buzz - they know what they are doing: do the chores, go shopping to supply the fridge, see a movie they read about etc. While others like their buzz to be messy - without any meaning whatsoever, it is just cool "shit's happening".

    You have no clue what am I talking about? Try lasting few hours without any outer stimuli, chore, sleep - and see how the mind reacts to stillness.

    We seek and attract experiences with emotions attached to them. Now what if I tell you this is an attractiveness very childish in nature. It is like an involuntary reflex, only interested in quantity "More, more". The issue appears when what you attract actively hurts you... or is just a filler that does not contribute to what you are about in life.

    THIS... is Saturn's role - to add quality to the stream of quantity already provided.

    1. Stop And Be Conscious

    The first step in making peace with Saturn is to remain determined and raise the Conscious Self like you would raise a baby. 

    We want more of the good experiences, but the child-like force that attracts experiences does not reflect on the experiences themselves. This is our job to do - and by our I mean our Conscious Self. We have to raise and educate ourselves in order to live a better life; attract less of the bad stuff, and more of the good stuff. 

    Now people have a variety of desires - all to be respected. But it is not in the "what", but the "how. It is natural for the Grown-Up Kids to focus solely on the material well-being, after all it helps manage life better. They do not question, nor ask - they act. They see an opportunity, they go for an opportunity. And it is perfectly fine to want prosperity in the material sphere. 

    The key is to not let yourself go wild and function on an autopilot. Otherwise you e.g. fast-forward in life without stopping to think about the necessity of your actions. A great example of this is the movie Click (2006) with Adam Sandler.

    2. Accountability

    If you set boundaries (or expectations), hold people accountable to it.

    All comes down to having a backbone. Do not think you are important. Know you are important. This will help you be realistic about yourself and your limits. Many stopped caring about themselves, or think they do, but keep shooting themselves in the foot. How? They take the extra work load on their shoulders, be at every whim of their partner/family/friend. It is honorable to help, but without setting boundaries (or compensation)... what message do these action send?

    Use me as you wish, I'm a perfectly balanced tool, here to serve.

    Some are oblivious to you, thus a proper explanation is at place e.g. "I do not do charity". No harm done. 

    people shaming you
    As to others...it might sting to realize there are Grown-Up Kids that see an opportunity to walk all over you, and use it. Such people do not care. Some might say they care. If they did, would they make demands that make you feel uncomfortable? Or shame you into acting in any particular way? Or refer to your sense of duty? 

    Not everyone will respect you. But you can respect yourself - your time, effort, insight, which in turn will make others reciprocate respect.

    3. Apply Perspective...

    ... and do not confuse long-term potential with constantly recycled short-term (more-of-the-same).

    It is a habit to look at life from an opportunistic point of view. We take what we have in front of us, currently. And hope it stays like this. "I want to build a future based on what is now". Then life situations change, people around are different, we reconsidered our priorities (consciously or not).

    There comes a time we seek depth, durability. A simple 2-D view of a situation will not cut it; you will want additional value... a 3-D perspective (or 4-; 5-D). The more you know yourself (values, needs), the easier it will be to gauge the potential of a relationship, workplace etc. beforehand.

    Nonetheless, time is needed in order to have a clear picture. After all, many potentials blossom when taken care of (and tested) in the long run. This test is to show you whether there is a long-term potential developing (tangible improvements, space for depth) or whether it is a constant mix of yesterdays' promises "I will give you a raise" "We will work this out" "I will treat you better".

    Negligence charges interests. Today you leave important issues unsaid, year later you cannot stand the sight of another person. Today you do not respect your time, year later you hold grudges and become rigid, cold.

    4. Yeah, About Setting Goals...

    Do it. It will provide you with a direction and somewhat structure your day-to-day functioning. You can find many materials on how to do so in a healthy and natural way (interpretations of natal Saturn, sign/aspects/house position).

    Right now I would like to talk about the scenarios in which setting a goal does NOT work.

    For example: you want to get fit. Just choosing it will not make it happen; you need to have the psychology of being fit to live your life according to it. The majority of failures come from one's personality/reflexes not fitting the goals at all. This applies to all goals: finding a healthy job, partner...

    Many make changes with the approach of "I just have to deal with the stuff right in front of me" (as opposed to "I need to wholly incorporate the change into my life") and are genuinely surprised when they revert back to life before the attempted change. Their achievement is becoming Mr/Ms Yo-Yo.

    boomerang issues

    Thinking "but it supposed to be healthy" fails to address what you really are going through - the psychology waiting to be built; the issue with self-motivation, detrimental thinking etc.

    To make peace with Saturn is discovering the inner dissonance... and going from there. Make a shift in thinking: it is not about the goals/work in progress, but YOU in progress.

    5. Consequences

    Considering consequences is a good habit.
    Back to the example of getting fit. Going for it means you have to face the consequences of letting this/that go - in this case the consequence is letting go of your eating habits, daily routine (to make room for exercise), even a change of social circles (no need to be shamed, or watching others eat when you are still vulnerable and annoyed).

    What is important is the fact of taking consequences into account. Making the choice is fully up to you. Who knows, you may realize that consequences are far too severe for you at this stage of life. You actually enjoy having beer after supper, never was the physical person. The idea of purposefully going against yourself might do even more harm to your body than calories.

    6. Failure

    Until you learn the alchemy of failure, the meaning behind this process, your chances of success are miniscule.

    Let us assume your goal feels right and fully resonates with you. 

    At some point, you will fail. This will be the moment of your vulnerability; a moment all your past trauma, self- flagellating thoughts reappears and brings you down with full might "You are useless, you cannot do it". One solution to this dread is to make it until you fake it. Merciless but smart discipline.

    IT... does not work for some issues, for some people.

    The more you got restricted, the harder it is to move pass this. And some traumas are very deeply rooted. Some outer conditions are extremely severe and punishing. Pushing yourself forward will only make you feel more incompetent, defective, "stupid", thus rendering you powerless. You will no longer want to commit to something that pains, is bound to fail. You will distance yourself so to never experience this - it is understandable.

    The alchemy of failure means you understanding that failures temper your inner forces/voices, give them more realism. You need to be sufficiently convinced that there is meaning to experiencing failures. You need to know why you have you have to pay the price of tiredness, failures, commitment. Attaching value to sacrifice helps to make the final push through "the walls".

    The "arguments" propelling you to achieve have to be adequate to the level of limitation.

    7. Acceptance

    Convincing inner forces/voices does not happen via pressure.

    It is one of my biggest discoveries over the recent years. Forcing yourself, against your inner world, produces frustration that hurts you even more than limitations. And even if you succeed in your discipline, you will get back to doing the same old stuff, feel the same old emotions, just in a different form, via different means.

    For example: if you manage to completely limit smoking in your life, without understanding the roots of the issue, you will (subconsciously) seek and find other substances. Other excuses. A change from one addiction/misery/money waster into another.

    Nothing and no one prepares you for realizing that changes involve a deep, uncomfortable look at family-of-origin issues and prodding at your superego. And this needs to be done, for the inner forces are too strong and will find a way around to "get some of the old stuff".

    Here comes acceptance - I have failed at this stage of life, I accept and embrace who I am. There is no pressure to become anyone,  no pressure to attain any skill. I am enough the way you are, whether I stay fit or not, smoke or not. I am enough whether I do my dream-whatever or not.

    Then peace will come. And you have found what you were always for... thanks to falling miserably on your face. You found what you were looking for while being on the ground.

    8. Take Your Time

    You know why humility is one of Saturn's keywords? Because humility means accepting who we are and what happens to us, particularly if we do not have control over the events that shape us.

    Acceptance crates space for effective, progressive work on self. You can discard the grand self-fantasies while not demeaning yourself.

    By accepting your flaws, you automatically accept the process of change. You realize everything has its own timing. One cannot expect oneself to instantly conjure up motivation at any stage of life. One cannot suddenly get used to stuff.

    We have to raise and educate ourselves in order to live a better life; attract less of the bad stuff, and more of the good stuff. When in severe conditions, the best way to get "good stuff" is to accept the state of defeat. You may be imperfect, but you will be enough regardless of what you did or not.
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