Moon-Saturn aspects - about the intuition and feelings, part 2
Soul Astrology December 20, 2016 0
Working with intuition - on examples I've decided to go for certain extreme examples to show the intuition of people with Moon...
READ MOREMoon-Saturn aspects - about the intuition and feelings, part 2Soul Astrology December 20, 2016
Moon-Saturn aspects - about the intuition and feelings, part 1
Soul Astrology December 20, 2016 0
Aspects between the Moon and Saturn (both the 'better' and 'worse' ones) have been given a bad name. Take a moment to brows...
READ MOREMoon-Saturn aspects - about the intuition and feelings, part 1Soul Astrology December 20, 2016
Pisces , Scorpio , trine , water
Scorpio and Pisces - nuances of the water trine, part 2
Soul Astrology November 25, 2016 0
The trine - a promise of success and ease of obtaining it? In my previous article, I've been describing the basic dynamic between the...
READ MOREScorpio and Pisces - nuances of the water trine, part 2Soul Astrology November 25, 2016
intuition , Pisces , Scorpio , trine
Scorpio and Pisces - nuances of the water trine, part 1
Soul Astrology November 03, 2016 0
Traditional astrological approach (although not exclusively) describes Venus and Jupiter as benefics - planets bringing good fortune and pr...
READ MOREScorpio and Pisces - nuances of the water trine, part 1Soul Astrology November 03, 2016
What element are you? Elements and our basic energy field
Soul Astrology November 01, 2016 0
The elemental balance is one of the most underrated subjects of an astrological analysis. That's a shame, because we're avoiding a ...
READ MOREWhat element are you? Elements and our basic energy fieldSoul Astrology November 01, 2016