• Sign of the Pluto in Capricorn times - puppets and puppeteers (Big Corpo) (Part Four)

    Sign of the Pluto in Capricorn times - puppets and puppeteers (Big Corpo) logo
    Among painful but very much needed experiences regarding our daily and vocational life of the last decade, the spotlight is put on how we understand the Capricorn's essence and its teachings for us.

    Scandals are exposed directly before our eyes. These events tear us out from minding our own businesses with the purpose of showing us the depth and importance of life's social side. 

    Our entire view on life is based on what we know about the world around us. What would happen if someone/something managed to control and influence what and how much we do (not) know about the reality? This is already happening thanks to Google and YouTube that are introducing censorship under our noses.

    How big corporations want us to think?

    Enjoy the reading :-)

    Manipulating the information

    How often have you looked for a solution to your problem on the internet? A few clicks, Google search engine and we have some answers - perhaps an interesting astrological video or something for entertainment and chilling out? That's what YouTube is for.

    Everything that appears in search results, including the order of pages, is controlled by an algorithm (AI program) that functions according to a number of strict guidelines e.g. popularity (the more clicks a site has the more frequently it will be placed at the top of the list).

    But several other guidelines have come to light that affect what you see ... and what you won't see in the search engine.

    At the end of June 2019 (horoscope in a moment) the Project Veritas group published a report consisting of an interview with a person claiming to be a Google employee (anonymous at that time) and hidden camera footage of a certain restaurant conversations during which Google employees talked about their work.

    Pluto in Capricorn shows enormous ambitions and the desire to exercise control through large corporations (Capricorn). In this case Google did not like the result of the 2016 democratic election, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States. The corporation believes that it has the right to interfere in state affairs (also symbolized by Capricorn) and takes responsibility as a company that is large enough and has enough influence (Pluto) to actively influence the election results.

    Here's a handful of quotes:
    “Elizabeth Warren [an American senator] is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.” 
    “We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.” 
    “We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”
    One of Pluto's themes is the sense of pressure. When we enter a Plutonic period in life, events/people seem to force us to something that makes us feel ... uncomfortable, makes us want to punch someone hard. Pluto in Capricorn shows that the institutions and people filling them, through their long presence on the market, developed a sense of power. And the pressure of this power is felt by every Internet user.

    It's not important here whether one supports this or that political option; whether one likes this or that politician. The problem is that corporations seem to know better than us what we think. And we think like them, right?
    “The reason we launched our A.I. principles is because people were not putting that line in the sand, that they were not saying what’s fair and what’s equitable so we’re like, well we are a big company, we’re going to say it.”

    “Our definition of fairness is one of those things that we thought would be like, obvious, and everyone would agree to it and it wasn’t. There was, the same people who voted for the current president who do not agree with our definition of fairness.”
    Capricorn and its ruler Saturn always teaches us to take responsibility. Corporations take advantage of the fact that we are reluctant to take it on our shoulders. And so the institutions take the responsibility for us and dictate the terms. Capricorn symbolizes the stuff that's put in our heads (the conditioning), e.g. where are the borders, what is reliable and fair and what is not.

    Pluto in Capricorn is a symbol of taking advantage of the fact that people do not take these topics seriously nor see their seriousness or have a systemic idea of how things work.

    Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes a certain style the corporations spread their worldview. Google would like every user of its services to have contact with the worldview they promote. For this it uses the algorithms (AI) to suggest us what we would like to see/read. Technology and software (algorithms) are already so common in our society that they certainly fall into the Capricorn category (well established stuff), not Aquarius (pioneering).

    Double standards

    It is not only about promoting " the right worldview" but about direct limitation, censorship (Capricorn) of views that are incompatible with the established agenda. Agenda that can be found on YouTube (owned by Google).

    The Project Veritas' report reveals something that many YouTubers have experienced but not possessed tangible evidence to support their feelings: the site classifies all videos into specific categories; videos of the category deemed to be inconsistent with the worldview are subject to the influence of AI, which may, among other things: make it difficult to find the video (or completely remove it from the search list), alter (i.e. limit) the number of viewers or alter the notification system. 

    YouTube is a private corporation - it can do whatever it pleases to, including set its own terms of use. And yet the platform has double standards - to some the rules apply (you bear the consequences), others get the "blind eye" treatment (no consequences). Pluto in Capricorn emphasizes these kind of abuses.

    By browsing Google search engine one takes part in a social engineering process. What we get is internet users getting censored along with Google users who are not shown what they are not supposed to see. Google-ing low-priority topics gives you great results; Google-ing important matters gets you propaganda.

    These previously mentioned methods of worldview control only work when we are not internally integrated (Capricorn and Saturn). Until we develop our own views based on our own experiences, foreign views will be imposed on us. Pluto in Capricorn shows that it's going to be corporations that impose their views on ours.

    Fighting the Big Corporations

    project veritas' report, natal chart

    Source: https://twitter.com/Project_Veritas/status/1143129611947126784; as the place of birth I've chosen Project Veritas' HQ.

    The Project Veritas group was founded in 2010 and had several successes throughout the years. On June 24th 2019 the whole world heard about the Project and their investigation into the giant that is Google.

    The Ascendant and its ruler shows us "what" Veritas' report is about. The Lion-ruling Sun is in Cancer on the 12 house cusp, thus we walk on thin ice. Emphasis on the 12th house points toward a journey through a very rarely visited domain; stuff will concern everything that's private, emotions and traditions (Cancer).  

    It is surprising that something hidden (Google agenda) came to light in such a fashion. A number of 12th house Cancer planets in opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn explains why that happened. 

    With Pluto everything will come to the surface at some point, these are the cosmic rules. Uranus in the 10th house symbolizes how in a short moment (Uranus - the acceleration of time) a little-known organization got suddenly noticed on a global scale. Through Uranus as a driving force we get spectacular and sudden careers, though often short-lived. 

    In the 12th house and the Cancer sign we find Mercury and Mars - both covered in previous parts. The chart puts emphasis on communication, information circulation and some kind of an attack. An attack on Big Corpo's private information? Corporate attack on freedom?

    The public's perception is reflected in the Moon's placement. Moon in Pisces close to Neptune suggests a sense of confusion. "What is this? Is something like this [Google and their agenda] happening? I don't understand." For those more informed the Veritas' scope, the report was an emotional ride because finally someone showed Google's ideology (Pisces is ruled by philosophy lover Jupiter). It was also exposed how fanatic employees can be in their opinions.

    The Moon forms a T-square with Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Sagittarius. This may be an indicator of an optimistic and warm reception of the news (because someone is doing something about this topic) although there is tension and nervousness. This distribution of planets does not bode well for widespread protests in response to revelations about Google because "people are not hurt enough" - Moon forms a harmonious trine to Mercury, Mars, Pluto) and we know from experience that it must hurt for something to happen.

    Despite the Moon-Mercury trine (great for spreading the information by word of mouth) or Moon-Jupiter square (wide publicity), the rulers of the Ascendant (Sun) and the 10th house (Mars) are in the 12th house, so one cannot count on publicity worthy the disclosed practice.

    Mars is in fall, thus it's a fight on foreign ground, under someone else's control. It is difficult to expect Google and YouTube (global and most popular media) to promote attacks against themselves. The playing field belongs to them because they have a huge impact on what is displayed to the Internet users.

    Hidden enemies

    12th house action suggests behind-the-scenes activities. Within one day YouTube (owned by Google) removes the Veritas' video from its site. Usually these types of things are preceded by information about a privacy complaint and e.g. a 24-48 hour period to remove the unwanted parts of the video. But in this case the entire video was simply removed without notice.

    Rules apply to some, not to others.

    When Pluto in Capricorn gets on with the censorship it doesn't dillydally. Capricorn pushes aside anything foreign and undesirable with haste and efficiency. Capricorn is a cardinal sign mind you.

    Veritas' entire report was recorded from a hidden camera and the Google whistleblower appeared anonymously with an altered voice - only his black outline was visible. The reason for this type of procedure is the fear of hidden enemies i.e. the corporation seeking revenge. What is why 12th house emphasis is not favorable for exposure. 

    If that was not enough, Veritas' report had to deal with justified criticism aka the anonymous employee (informant) could be a fake, someone willing to sell fantasies for fame or whatever.

    google informant reveals himself

    Source: https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/08/14/google-machine-learning-fairness-whistleblower-goes-public-says-burden-lifted-off-of-my-soul/ ; hour unknown.

    Few months after the first publication the said informant reveals himself with subsequent information. It's just so happens there's a Full Moon in Aquarius and a significant emphasis on the Leo sign. It's a perfect time for venting emotions and finding oneself in the spotlights. How does this relate to the previous 12th house chart?

    Zachary Vorhies, a former Google employee, described how after the publication of the original Veritas' report he received a letter from Google with a number of "demands" e.g. to comply and give away all existing evidence. But Vorhies already managed to send the evidence to the appropriate state institutions. Vorhies elaborated further how the police, SWAT and FBI appeared in front of his house regarding "an anonymous mental health check" [it is a thing in the USA].

    This big behind-the-scenes action stayed hidden (12th house) until Vorhies decided to everything that happened, along with this identity.

    Pluto in Capricorn manifested as intimidation by means of official services/procedures. Revealing (Leo) himself, giving a face to his beliefs (Aquarius) about practices and morals in the corporation was a must. By staying in the shadows, Zachary Vorhies would have little chance of dealing with corporate intimidation.


    Plutonic events are about showing the darkness of human character. And this applies to everyone involved.

    One of the filmed Google employees was Jen Gennai, who the day after Veritas' report received "a huge collection of threats on the phone and voicemail, threats in the form of text messages and emails from people she did not know." Jen Gennai cited one of these messages: "Your ideology will be ripped to pieces just before your execution for treason ... you live a borrowed time, enjoy it to this point."

    Pluto pokes and brings all the darkness and venom of a person to the surface regardless of "on whose side the barricade he/she is". Pluto shows that even the noblest intentions can be corrupted by a ruthless vent of accumulated emotions. Pluto encourages us to ask: which way is it? Pluto in Capricorn draws attention to the issue of moderation, self-control and discipline.

    According to Jen Gennai, one day she was invited to dinner to talk about a project related to women in the technological environment. It was then that people lying about their true identity filmed her, without her knowledge and consent and edited the material in a biased way. A very Plutonic experience.


    youtube natal chart
    YouTube's origins were small videos about everyday life. This can be seen in an emphasis on the Air element (Aquarius and Libra) and the Sun-Mercury conjunction. This site was to become quite revolutionary (Aquarius), shaping generations.

    Currently YouTube is a Mecca for individual creators from almost all areas of social life e.g. fashion, computer games, technologies, and the entertainment industry. Bunch of planets in Aquarius near Neptune is a sign that separating ideology from the heart of the website's existence (Sun) is impossible.

    In 2006 YouTube was acquired by Google (the transiting Saturn is at 24 ° Leo, there is also a stellum in Scorpio squaring YouTube's numerous planets in Aquarius). At that time the website began to take a different direction than initially intended.

    Saturn in Leo marked the beginning of YouTube (under Google's leadership) starting to limit individual creators (Leo) in the span of many years (Saturn).

    Let's talk about one front that stellum in Aquarius manifested on: creating one's identity through becoming a victim (Sun-Neptune conjunction) and making money of it (Venus-Neptune conjunction). Users (A) can flag videos of other individual creator (B) for bullying because the same users (A) doesn't like being talked about badly. The creators' flagged video (B) can then start to generate advertising revenue for (A) or be removed completely. A similar situation takes place with the copyright system e.g. a music corporation has the rights to some songs and may flag a video containing even few seconds from the very song. Profits from the flagged video go to the music corporation's YouTube account.

    Neptune's influence in the chart shows that many people may feel cheated that all their hard work put into creation of e.g. 40 min. video goes to waste because of a few seconds.

    YouTube created a system that allows mutual disputes between its own creators but this system is abused as much as the system of disputes regarding copyrighted materials. Nothing is perfect, but we are dealing with negative effects of something that is already prone to abuse and double-standards issues (Pluto in Capricorn).

    The quality of standards is reflected in Saturn's position in the chart. In YouTube's case it's Saturn in Cancer, which is a difficult position. The reason for it is that emotions and an emotional approach affect stability in creating and later enforcing the rules. YouTube has created a vague system in which it decides what is outrageous. With Saturn in Cancer, users of the website do not know the rules (how can they when the standards depend on the constantly changing moods of Cancer), thus they cannot effectively use/avoid specific behaviors - something that would be possible with clearly defined rules of a Saturn in Capricorn. 

    The foundations for abuse are shown within the birth chart. Pluto in Capricorn shows us the style of abuse. And so we are moving to the present times ...

    Manipulations revealed

    youtube and veritas' report, natal chart

    Transiting Pluto (and Saturn) forms an opposition to YouTube's natal Saturn in Cancer. We see the abuse-prone system of this website exposed.

    The individual creators that have built their identity victimhood toss the responsibility (Pluto in Capricorn). "If it weren't for you, I would have never done it", "If you criticize me, you are not a fan and you deserve to be flagged."

    On September 4th5 2019 first articles began to appear talking how YouTube must pay a fine of approximately $ 200 million for violating children's privacy (this being the result of e.g. poor standards) and the illegal collection of children's personal information. This issue is reflected by the natal Mercury conjunct Neptune in Aquarius i.e. foggy, socially questionable trading of obtained data.

    YouTube is also embroiled in the scandal of suggesting pedophile materials to children (YouTube has a child-friendly zone, but enabling the self-suggesting algorithm would ultimately redirect children to obscene and suggestive videos). As a result YouTube adopted further forms of censorship e.g. forced removal of the comment section (method of interaction, dialogue with the community), a series of restrictions on visibility and removal of channels, especially those targeted for children. The problem is that YouTube standards are poor and it is not known how the site recognizes that the creator is being viewed by children.

    Evil Capricorn

    Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are about exposing manipulations along with imperceptible restrictions that help continue the illegal practices. So what if you impose a penalty of hundreds millions dollars on YouTube when profits from selling data are measured in billions? Penalties and restrictions must be greater than profits resulting from illegal practices. Then restrictions make sense.

    Pluto shows us all the worst and bad in Capricorn.

    Pluto in Capricorn is a symbol of one structure fighting to stop their opinions from being censored.

    While the other structure is fighting to stop the public from seeing their opinions. 

    Just as Capricorn is known for delays and slowing down everything, so Pluto in Capricorn shows the power of control established slowly, step by step. Capricorn is also a sign of championship and taking into account the globalization of society we see how the manipulation screw is screwed more and more. The borders are shifted until the real point of resistance is reached.

    Capricorn symbolism is associated with laying foundations ... for what? Astrology suggests that probably for Pluto in Aquarius times. Saturn is a traditional ruler of both Aquarius and Capricorn. It's likely that Pluto in Aquarius times will show how the boundaries are moved beyond the point of resistance. The question is: what will be shown as a new progressive (Aquarius) rescue from the stale system?

    In the context of social control and transformation, Pluto in Capricorn times are the foundation for new progressive solutions and manipulation methods both.

    1.  https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/06/24/insider-blows-whistle-exec-reveals-google-plan-to-prevent-trump-situation-in-2020-on-hidden-cam/#comment-4514101642
    2.  https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/06/25/breaking-new-google-document-leaked-describing-shapiro-prager-as-nazis-using-the-dogwhistles/
    3.  https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/08/14/google-machine-learning-fairness-whistleblower-goes-public-says-burden-lifted-off-of-my-soul/
    4.  https://medium.com/@gennai.jen/this-is-not-how-i-expected-monday-to-go-e92771c7aa82
    5. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/04/technology/google-youtube-fine-ftc.html

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