Lunar Nodes , Millennials , Saturn Return
The Millennials of the Capricorn type - lunar nodes, Jupiter and the future (part 7/7)
Soul Astrology October 27, 2017 1
The Millennials of the Capricorn type - lunar nodes, Jupiter and the future (part 7/7)Soul Astrology October 27, 2017
The Millennials of the Capricorn type - understanding the stellium in Capricorn (part 6/7)
Soul Astrology October 25, 2017 0
The Millennials of the Capricorn type - understanding the stellium in Capricorn (part 6/7)Soul Astrology October 25, 2017
The Millennials of the Capricorn type - introduction (part 5/7)
Soul Astrology October 24, 2017 1
The Millennials of the Capricorn type - introduction (part 5/7)Soul Astrology October 24, 2017
The Millennials of the Sagittarius type - general overview and interpretation, continued (part 4/7)
Soul Astrology August 24, 2017 0
The Millennials of the Sagittarius type - general overview and interpretation, continued (part 4/7)Soul Astrology August 24, 2017
The Millennials - Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius type (part 3/7)
Soul Astrology August 23, 2017 0
The Millennials - Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius type (part 3/7)Soul Astrology August 23, 2017
The Millennials - introduction (part 1/7)
Soul Astrology July 29, 2017
The Millennials - Uranus-Neptune cycle (part 2/7)
Soul Astrology July 29, 2017
2nd house , Keanu Reeves , money
Wealth (2nd house) based on Keanu Reeves' chart
Soul Astrology July 03, 2017 0
I'd like to close the subject of the 2nd house and wealth by reading a natal chart of one of my favourite actors - Keanu Reeves. If thi...
READ MOREWealth (2nd house) based on Keanu Reeves' chartSoul Astrology July 03, 2017
The transits of Jupiter and Saturn through the 2nd house - about hopes, disappointments and earnings
Soul Astrology May 26, 2017 1
When we have money issues, we're starting to look for ways to improve our financial situation. The first thought that comes to our mind...
READ MOREThe transits of Jupiter and Saturn through the 2nd house - about hopes, disappointments and earningsSoul Astrology May 26, 2017
Money and wealth based on the 2nd house
Soul Astrology April 26, 2017 0
" I work all night, I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay. Ain’t it sad? And still there never seems to be a single penny left...
READ MOREMoney and wealth based on the 2nd houseSoul Astrology April 26, 2017
Neptune transits and sensitivity - the things you need to remember
Soul Astrology April 07, 2017 0
For everyone valuing comfort and life stability, Neptune transits are a pure nightmare. For some reason it is hard to get things done every...
READ MORENeptune transits and sensitivity - the things you need to rememberSoul Astrology April 07, 2017
intuition , Neptune , sensitivity
Neptune - going defensive or offensive?
Soul Astrology March 12, 2017 0
Neptune always puts us in extremely emotional situations. Sometimes these circumstances are so overwhelming that we're better off catch...
READ MORENeptune - going defensive or offensive?Soul Astrology March 12, 2017
Featured , intuition , Neptune , sensitivity
Understanding Neptune - overwhelming emotions, premonitions and illusions
Soul Astrology January 13, 2017 2
The subject of Neptune is very important me to, one of the reasons for that is Neptune being one of the strongest planet in my chart. To g...
READ MOREUnderstanding Neptune - overwhelming emotions, premonitions and illusionsSoul Astrology January 13, 2017