• Let's Talk About 2020-22. Jupiter-Pluto Transit

    It's ASTOUNDING what the greatest astrology's benefic can bring to our life when it meets the DESTRUCTIVE potential of Pluto. How to handle this planetary duo?

    The most important planetary cycles of 2020-22

    We found ourselves at the turning point of the world's history and the planets in the sky (and their positions) reflect that. Here's a list of the cycles worth remembering:

    a) Saturn/Pluto conjunction [Capricorn]
    b) Jupiter/Pluto conjunction [Capricorn]
    c) Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius and their conjunction
    d) Saturn/Uranus square [Aquarius/Taurus]

    It's time to roll up your sleeves and pull up your pants because MANY matters require our active attention and will continue to require it for the next few years. This is a challenge (after all there's a lot on our minds lately), but on the other hand we can take a very big step forward in our lives.

    I want to show you how to use the planet's energy to improve the  quality of your life.

    Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn - in search of firm ground under out feet

    The impact of the events of 2020 (and later years) shouldn't be considered without going back a few years.

    2017-2020 were years of major changes in world structures, the "backbones" of everything we understand as global order. I described this phenomenon extensively in a series of articles Sign Of The of Pluto in Capricorn Times. Particularly in the last part I've described how the Saturn/Pluto conjunction can affect our personal life and that of the society in general.  Many of the conclusions there remain valid for the vast majority of the second half of 2020.

    So be sure to check it out as it'll give you the context to understand the Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn...

    Jupiter/Pluto cycle - the pandemic of fear

    This particular planetary cycle is quite important in terms of pandemic development and thus the duration of the quarantine. It doesn't necessarily have to be about the physical quarantine but about the shape of the fear of the virus in our "national heads" - for better or worse.

    Approximate duration: March - November 2020.

    Breakthrough moments of the cycle [+/- 7 days]: April 5th, June 30th, November 13th 2020.

    Jupiter and Pluto's purpose is to:

    a) help people open their eyes to new opportunities, pick a development route previously not taken into account because of these or other limitations. Some will be excited to discover the true nature of their deep desires, ambitions and beliefs. Others will be afraid, because they'll have to overcome fear and/or go outside the comfort zone, often times needing to rise above personal wounds/weaknesses. Regardless of the approach, everyone will change the perspective about their true, not-limited-by-anxiety potential.

    b) somehow force (this is how it feels like) to expanding into new areas of life e.g. ethics, social life, travel, education and self-improvement through religion, philosophy and metaphysics. Many may have long wanted to go in this direction, but external factors (or people's own inner critique) suppressed such an idea. Now the time of suppression is over. Time to face the taboo surrounding everything around you.

    Some will have an easy transition, others will have to break years of self-limitations, dozens of years of life built on the basis of false identification with this or that.

    c) heal what is ready for healing.

    d) usher mass economic changes, particularly those related to global (large-scale) wealth and resources.

    Boundaries breached

    The main two-keys for both Jupiter and Pluto are trust and privacy. At this time you'll feel it natural to trust more than usually - and it'll be quite a liberating experience. You have to know the limitations i.e. potential dangers of putting your trust into people/information/authorities. Sometimes their intentions are not as noble and they seem, you need to be able to identify that. Otherwise your privacy might be compromised. 

    Great hopes or great disappointment?

    There are two schools of looking at what this planetary duo brings: a positive and a negative one.

    It's great that the hope in the kindness of life/basic sense of nobility have the chance to arise, no matter how squashed they were by fear, shame, structures (Capricorn). This is extremely important, because it can be the foundation for developing mindsets based on abundance and generosity of life, of other people.
    It's a fact that there're experiments with alternative therapies for the virus that aim to help those with the worst health (connected to respirators). It's highly probable that finding a worldwide-sanctioned virus treatments will come at the time the Jupiter-Pluto cycle ends.

    That's the general idea of the positive school. Meanwhile...

    There is a powerful desire to implement ideas/projects and achieve specific results. It is very easy to lose sight of one's own ethics and morality and push forward ... too much, too far. When power comes into play (Pluto's presence) stuff gets twisted, ideas/people get corrupted. Some people (namely authorities) may have extremely narrowed vision.

    Such people become too critical of those with different mindsets than theirs. Saturated with their own cultural beliefs, they lose objectivity and coerce others instead of offering free choice.

    What can you do to take care of yourself?

    Confront fear and anxiety. The presence of Capricorn shows that your experiences and previous life decisions affect how easy (or not) it will be for you to work with your Self. Hey, you might not even notice the need to take any drastic steps - that's a sign to pat yourself in the back.

    If you are someone who would like to express themselves in the Jupiter way (trust, breadth of horizons, wisdom, philosophical reflectivity etc.), now you have the opportunity to transform and take not a step but a leap forward. The whole process can be very radical and exhausting, but you'll have strength to regenerate and courage.

    Sometimes success is fleeting in life - it lasts these "five minutes" and disappears. Now you'll be able to see clearly what it means to achieve lasting success AND if you have what it takes to achieve it. If not, your weaknesses will come to the surface.

    Significant changes are possible. You can take your career to a whole new level and become determined to seek prosperity and strive for autonomy.
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